Friday, January 28, 2011

Animal Facts III

  • The prehistoric-looking alligator snapping turtle is the largest of the North American freshwater turtles.

  • Indiscriminate eaters, Amazon horned frogs can grow to about the size of a small plate.

  • Saved from the brink of extinction, the American alligator now thrives in its native habitat: the swamps and wetlands of the southeastern United States.

  • With their large, sharp horns, bison are formidable foes. During mating season, bulls fight for the right to breed with harems of cows, but rarely duel to the death.

  • American bullfrogs will ambush and eat just about anything they can fit in their ample mouths.

  • Critically endangered, the prehistoric-looking American crocodile struggles to survive in pockets of shrinking habitat.

  • Ammonites are named after the Egyptian god Ammon, who is often depicted with rams' horns behind each ear.

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